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The Centre was established in 2007 by experienced classical homeopath Dr Mahesh M and his wife Dr Seema Mahesh together with English molecular geneticist Dr Craig Talbot.   The concept came about through months of discussions on how best to promote the teaching of the old Masters of classical homeopathy in order to combat the rise of “bad-homeopathy” as we see in India, USA and western Europe. Furthermore, we wished to continue and expand the free or subsidised work we provide to the less fortunate rural areas of Bangalore and open the Centre to scientific research, to support homeopathy as en effective medical system.

It was decided to establish a modest centre with the hope of further expanding the clinic to add teaching rooms for both qualified homeopaths and students.

The treatment, study and philosophy of the Centre draws heavily on the teachings of the classic Masters Hahnemann and Kent with the modern day Master of homeopathy Prof George Vithoulkas.  Of whom Dr Mahesh is a student.

Although we have a small support team within each clinic, a brief introduction to the founders of the Centre can be seen below.

Dr Mahesh M

Director and Principal homeopathic physician

The new Centre was established from Dr Mahesh’s existing Bangalore and rural practices.  With over 7 years of clinical experience treating a wide variety of acute and chronic diseases Dr Mahesh provides most of the clinical data for research and professional guidance in case management.

Dr Mahesh completed his studies at the Government Homeopathic Medical College in Bangalore in 2000.  After leaving medical school Dr Mahesh started working in association with Dr Sudarshan (recipient of the Alternative Nobel Prize or the Right Livelihood Award) within remote village and tribal areas.  Simultaneously, his Bangalore city practice steadily grew as he gained a reputation through word of mouth and recommendations.

Currently the Centre consists of the Bangalore city practice together with 3 satellite rural practices.

Dr Seema Mahesh

Programme Director and Consulting homeopath

Dr Seema graduated from Government Homeopathic Medical College in Bangalore in 2003.  Since graduation Dr Seema has become a major contributing factor to the Bangalore and rural clinics.

Dr Craig Talbot

Scientific Research Director

Craig gained his PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics from the “National Institute for Medical Research” in north London. Over recent years Craig developed an interest in homeopathy when he discovered that there was an experimental and scientific foundation to the concepts and laws.  He trained at the London School for Classical Homeopathy for three years before taking a final year sabbatical to come to India and apply his scientific research skills to clinical work and to continue his homeopathic education under the guidance of Dr Mahesh.

in association with 

the international academy of classical homeopathy


Dr. Sandeep. K. R,  BHMS

Consulting homeopath

Dr. Preeti Tavarkhed, BHMS, DCS

Consulting homeopath